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Mar 17, 2008

Use System Restore to Undo Changes if Problems Occur

Windows XP Professional makes it easier to resolve problems if they occur in your system. You can use System Restore to remove any system changes that were made since the last time you remember your computer working correctly. System Restore does not affect your personal data files (such as Microsoft Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or e–mail) so you won’t lose changes made to these files. Windows XP creates “restore points” every day, as well as at the time of significant system events (such as when an application or driver is installed). You can also create and name your own restore points at any time. Creating a restore point can be useful any time you anticipate making changes to your computer that are risky or might make your computer unstable. If something goes wrong, you select a restore point and Windows XP undoes any system changes made since that time.

When you run System Restore, a calendar is displayed to help you find restore points. If you don't use your computer every day, some days might not have any restore points. If you use your computer frequently, you might have restore points almost every day, and some days might have several restore points.

To create a Restore Point

1. Access the System Restore Wizard through Help and Support Center. (Click Start, and then click Help and Support. Click Performance and Maintenance, click Using System Restore to undo changes, and then click Run the System Restore Wizard.
2. Click Create a restore point, and then click Next.
3. In the Restore point description box, type a name to identify this restore point. System Restore automatically adds to this name the date and time that this Restore Point is created.
  • To finish creating this restore point, click Create.
  • To cancel restore point creation and return to the Welcome to System Restore screen, click Back.
  • To cancel restore point creation and exit the System Restore Wizard, click Cancel.

To view or to return to this restore point, from the Welcome to System Restore screen of the System Restore Wizard select Restore my computer to an earlier time. Then select the date when the restore point was created from the calendar in the Select a Restore Point screen. All of the restore points that were created on the selected date are listed by name in the list box to the right of the calendar.

To set advanced restore options

1. Open Backup. (Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Backup.) The Backup Utility Wizard starts by default, unless it is disabled.

2. Click the Advanced Mode button in the Backup Utility Wizard.

3. Click the Restore and Manage Media menu and select the files to restore.

4. Click the Start Restore button.

5. On the Confirm Restore dialog box, click Advanced.

6. Set the advanced restore options you want, and then click OK. See the Notes section for a description of each option.

Mar 13, 2008

50 Indispensable Microsoft Word tips

No matter how long you've been using Microsoft Word, you can always learn new techniques to help you work faster and smarter. Here are some tips and tricks for Word 97/2000/2002(Office XP)/2003, organized into three sections:

The Basics, Advanced tips, and Things you don't have to do.

The Basics

1. Learn to use Undo – Make a mistake? Press [Ctrl]Z or choose Undo from the Edit menu right away. Keep pressing [Ctrl]Z to backtrack through and undo the most recent editing changes you've made.

2. Save often – Press [Ctrl]S or click the Save button on the Standard toolbar. Save your work frequently. You can also instruct Word to automatically save your work periodically. Open the Tools menu, select Options, click the Save tab, and activate the Save AutoRecovery Info Every option. You can specify an interval from 1 to 120 minutes.

3. Quickly move around in a document – To move to the top of a document, press [Ctrl][Home]. To move to the bottom of a document, press [Ctrl][End]. To go to the top of the next page, press [Ctrl][Page Down]. For the top of the preceding page, press [Ctrl][Page Up].

4. Open menus and select commands from the keyboard – Press [Alt] plus the letter that's underlined to open a menu, such as File, Edit, View, and so on. Once a menu is open, you don't need to press [Alt] to select a command; just press the underlined letter of the command you want to select. Here are some common examples: Quick Print Preview: [Alt]F,V. Quick Save As: [Alt]F,A. Quickly reopen the first document in the most recently used file list: [Alt]F,1.

5. Fours ways to select a block of text – Use the mouse. Just click and drag the mouse to select text. Use [Shift] plus the arrow keys. Hold down [Shift] and press an arrow key to select text in the desired direction. To select a word at a time, press [Ctrl][Shift] and the left or right arrow key. Use the mouse with the [Shift] key. Move the mouse pointer away from the insertion point position, hold down [Shift] and click to select all the text between the insertion point and the place where you clicked. Frustrated when you try to select text with the mouse past the bottom of the currently visible page and Word leaps past what you want to select? Those are the times to use [Shift] plus the down arrow key instead of the mouse.

6. Select a word – Double-click on it. If a space immediately follows the word you select, the space gets selected, too. Punctuation is ignored.

7. Select a sentence – Select a sentence. Hold down [Ctrl] and click anywhere in the sentence.

8. Select a paragraph – Triple-click within the paragraph or move the mouse just past the left margin of the paragraph. When the pointer changes to a right-pointing arrow, double-click to select the whole paragraph.

9. Select a table – Select a table by holding down [Alt] and double-clicking anywhere in the table.

10. Select cells in large tables using the keyboard (Word 2002/2003) – As the size of a table increases, theharder it becomes to use the mouse as your sole means of navigation in a table. For example, to select a column with the mouse, you need to move the pointer along the top gridline of the first cell in the column until it changes to a down arrow and then click. However, using the keyboard simplifies this process. Position the pointer anywhere in the column, press [Alt], and select any cell. To use the keyboard to select an entire table, click anywhere in the table and, with Num Lock off, press [Alt]5 on the numeric keyboard. Like Excel, Word XP and Word 2003 also let you press [Ctrl] to select nonadjacent cells. For example, to select columns 1 and 3 using the keyboard, press [Alt], click somewhere in column 1, press [Ctrl][Alt], and click somewhere in column 3.

11. Select all the text between the insertion point and… – To select all the text between the insertion point and the end of the current line, press [Shift][End]. To select the text from the insertion point through the end of the current paragraph, press [Ctrl][Shift] and the down arrow. To select the text from the insertion point to the end of the document, press [Ctrl][Shift][End].

12. Select multiple, non-contiguous words (Word 2002/2003 only) – Select a word, then hold [Ctrl] and double-click an additional word or words. This will select the words regardless of whether they are adjacent to each other.

13. Select an entire document – Press [Ctrl]A. This is handy when you need to change the font or add or remove formatting. Once you've selected the entire document, apply the formatting to everything and either leave it applied or apply it again to remove it. For example, suppose some text in your document is underlined and you want nothing underlined. To avoid spending time visiting each underlined section of text and un-underlining it, select the whole document with [Ctrl]A. Press [Ctrl]U to apply underlining to the entire document and then press [Ctrl]U again to remove the underlining. Be careful when you use [Ctrl]A. If you accidentally press [Delete] or
type a keystroke and erase everything, don't panic. Just press [Ctrl]Z or choose Undo from the Edit menu.

14. Find multiple instances at once (Word 2002/2003 only) – You can use the Find command to count and highlight the occurrences of a particular word. Open the Find dialog box by pressing [Ctrl]F or going to Edit | Find. Type the word or words you want to locate in the Find What text box. Select the Highlight All Items Found In: check box. Press [Enter] or click the Find All button and Word will display the number of instances of that word occurring in your document. It will also select them so that they're easy to spot and edit.

15. Grow font, shrink font – Here are three quick ways to change the size of selected text: Choose Font from the Format menu and specify the desired point size. Click the Font Size button on the Formatting toolbar and select an entry from the drop-down list. Or use the Grow Font and Shrink Font shortcuts, which are [Ctrl] plus the close-and open- square bracket characters, respectively.

16. Rename an existing document – Use Save As. When you need to use an existing document as the basis for a new one, don't overwrite the old document. As soon as you open it, press [Alt]F and then press A. (Or open the File menu and choose Save As.) Then immediately type a new name or change some part of the old one.

17. Print envelopes – Want to address your envelopes in the printer? Type an address in a blank document or in a letter. Open the Tools menu and select Envelopes And Labels. (Word XP users choose Letters And Mailings and then select Envelopes And Labels.) In the Envelopes tab, enter the return address if you want one, and click Print.

18. Expand your vocabulary – Word has a built-in thesaurus. Press [Shift][F7] or open the Tools menu, select Language, and then choose Thesaurus. Word will display a list of synonyms for the word you've selected or the word closest to the insertion point marker.

19. Make friends with the right mouse button – Don't be afraid to right-click on a block of text or a table cell. The shortcut menu offers immediate access to some handy formatting options.

20. Paste plain text – When you copy and paste text from a Web page or another document, the text brings its formatting into your document. To get around that behavior, copy the text and place the insertion point marker where you want to insert the copy. Then, open the Edit menu, choose Paste Special, and select the Unformatted Text option.

21. Print multiple pages of a Word document on one sheet (Word 2000/2002/2003) – If you regularly print large documents or send printed copies of them through the mail, you can save on both paper and postage by using Microsoft Word's Zoom feature. With Zoom, you can print as many as 16 pages on a single sheet of paper. To print four pages to a sheet, do to File | Print, in the Zoom section, select 4 Pages from the Pages Per Sheet drop-down list, make any other print selections, and click OK. Zoom automatically reduces the scale to fit four pages on each sheet. Zoom reduces the size of your printout without changing the document's format or page layout settings.

Advanced tips

1. Instant AutoCorrect – Right-click on a word that's flagged as misspelled to display the Edit shortcut menu. If Word has a suggested alternative, AutoCorrect will appear on the menu. Choose AutoCorrect and then select the correct version of the word from the submenu to create an AutoCorrect entry.

2. Effortless AutoText – Save time by inserting AutoText automatically. Type an entry name and press [F3]. Or take advantage of Word's AutoComplete feature. Just open the Tools menu, select AutoCorrect, click the AutoText tab, and turn on the Show AutoComplete Tip For AutoText And Dates option. With this feature active, Word will show a ScreenTip after you begin typing an AutoText item. Just press [Enter] and Word will insert the item for you. (This feature works the same way with dates and days of the week.)

3. Marker display – Work with paragraph markers and tab marks displayed. Simply click the Show/Hide ¶ button on the Standard toolbar. Displaying those normally hidden characters helps you avoid inadvertently deleting objects or changing formatting; it also helps you figure out funky alignment and extra white space problems.

4. Use AutoCorrect as a text expander – You don't have to keep typing those long words or phrases you have trouble with. Come up with a three- or four-letter abbreviation for it and add it to AutoCorrect. For example, say you often need to type Indianapolis. Press [Alt]T (to open the Tools menu) and press A to select AutoCorrect. Type indy, press [Tab], type Indianapolis, and press [Enter] twice. Now, any time you type indy followed by a space or any punctuation, Word will automatically "correct" that spelling and replace it with Indianapolis. You can save up to 255 characters in an AutoCorrect entry. (If you need more characters or you want to include pictures along with text, use AutoText instead.)

5. Clear a table – If you need to delete the contents of all the cells in a table, just select the table and press [Delete] (not [Backspace]).

6. Display built-in styles – When you create a document, Word starts you out with a handful of basic styles. If you need to apply a more specialized style, hold down [Shift] and click on the arrow beside the Style box on the Formatting toolbar. Word will expand the Style list to include all its built-in styles. Just select the one you need and Word will apply that style and add it to your document.

7. Quick table column total – Performing addition in a Word table is simple. Click in an empty cell at the bottom of a column of numbers. Open the Table menu, select Formula, and press [Enter] to accept the default Sum function.

8. Styles as you go – Define styles on the fly: Format a paragraph the way you want, type a name in the Style box on the Formatting toolbar, and press [Enter].

9. Quick field toggle – Press [Alt][F9] to quickly toggle field code display on and off.

10. Add a border to a page – To add a border to page, open the Format menu, select the Borders And Shading command, and click the Page Border tab.

11. Faster Go To – Double-click the left end of the status bar to bring up the Go To tab so you can jump to an item in your document such as bookmark, a specific page, a table, a section, and so on.

12. Splitsville – See two parts of a document at the same time by choosing Split from the Window menu and clicking to place the split bar where you want to divide the document window. Separate vertical scroll bars allow you to bring different portions of text into view—and you can set different view preferences for each pane (such as normal view in the top pane and outline view in the bottom). To restore the panes to a single window, just double-click the split bar or drag it beyond the top or bottom of the window.

13. Selective word count – Need to know how many words, characters, paragraphs, or lines appear in a portion of a document? Just select the text you want to run the count on prior to choosing Word Count from the Tools menu.

14. Trim ragged text by turning on hyphenation – When text contains many long words and your left and right margins are close to one another, your right margin can look ragged. To help smooth out that edge, choose Language from the Tools menu, select Hyphenation, click in the Automatically Hyphenate Document check box, and click OK.

15. Copy formatting to more than one block of text – To copy the formatting from the current word or paragraph, click the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar and then select the word or block of text to which you want to apply that formatting. To copy the same formatting to more than one block of text, double-click on the Format Painter button. Then you can apply the formatting to several blocks of text. To turn off the Format Painter, just click the button again or press [Esc].

16. Jump quickly between documents – If you work with a lot of open, overlapping documents, here's a quick way to cycle between them: Press [Ctrl][F6] to jump from one to the next; [Ctrl][Shift][F6] will jump you backward.

17. Insert and format symbols – For instant access to thousands of special symbols, like foreign characters and wild and crazy icons, open the Insert menu, choose Symbol, and look through the selections available with different fonts and subsets of fonts. After you insert a special character or symbol, you can then select it and use [Grow Font] and [Shrink Font] on it.

18. Create a desktop shortcut to a document – To create a document shortcut, first highlight some text to serve as a target in the document and click the Copy button. Next, minimize the Word window or drag it out of the way so you can see the Windows desktop. Then, hold down [Ctrl], right-click on the desktop, and choose Paste Shortcut. You'll probably want to change the shortcut name to something more meaningful. To do this, click on the shortcut to select it and then press [F2] to activate the label for editing. Type the desired name and press [Enter]. Close your document, clicking Yes to save your changes. You can even exit Word, if you want. Then, simply double-click on the desktop shortcut. Word will open the associated document, navigate to your target text, and select it.

19. Insert frequently used text with a macro – Macros are extremely handy for performing multi-step operations, including simple text entry. If you routinely use a word, phrase, or entire paragraph, you can create a macro that will automatically insert the text. To start recording your macro click Tools | Macro | Record New Macro. You will be prompted to enter a name for your new macro, specify the document template in which the macro will be stored, and enter a short description. Click OK when you're ready to begin recording your new macro. Word will record every mouse click and keystroke you make until you click the Stop Recording button. Type in your text and click Stop recording. To use your new macro, click Tools | Macros, select you macro from the list of available macros, and click Run. To make the process even easier, you can tie the macro to a keyboard shortcut. Click Tools | Customize and click the Keyboard button. Under the Categories list, scroll down and select Macros. A list of available macros will appear. Select the desired macro and click into the Press new shortcut key field. Press the key to which you want your macro assigned and then click the Assign button. Return to the document by clicking Close button twice and your new keyboard shortcut is ready to use.

Things you don't have to do

1. Worry – You don't have to worry about doing something wrong. Just get familiar with the program and experiment with Word features. If something looks wrong or funny, that's when you use the Undo feature. Press or type the wrong thing, try [Ctrl]Z to undo whatever you did. Always remember you can press [Ctrl]Z or choose Undo from the Edit menu to undo changes one at a time. Aside from deleting or failing to save a file, there's almost nothing you can do that isn't reversible.

2. Move your hands from the keyboard – You don't have to use the mouse to do things like open menus, select or format text, or move the insertion point marker. You may find you work more efficiently if you're not always moving your hand from the keyboard to the mouse. Press [Home] to move to the beginning of the current line and press [End] to move to the end of the current line. Press [Ctrl] and the left or right arrow to move one word in either direction. Hold down [Shift] while pressing those keys to select the text between the insertion point marker and the beginning or the end of the line, respectively.

3. Select an entire paragraph to change formatting or style – You don't have to select the entire paragraph to change the paragraph's formatting or style. Just click anywhere in the paragraph and choose the desired format or style. A good example is justification. Just click anywhere in the paragraph and then click the Align Left, Align Right, or Justify button on the Standard toolbar.

4. Work with only one document at a time – You don't have to close one Word document before you open another. Open as many at a time as you want to. Use the [Ctrl][F6] keyboard shortcut or the Windows menu to move quickly between open documents.

5. Risk missing something you're looking for – You don't have to visually scan and manually scroll through a document looking for a word or phrase. Use [Ctrl]F to open the Find tab and let Word locate the text for you.

6. Waste time during spelling check – You don't have to repeatedly click Ignore or Ignore All every time the spell-checker stops on a proper noun or a term that's commonly used in your documents. Click Add (Add To Dictionary in Word XP) so you don't waste time checking the same words over and over.

7. Delete old text you're replacing – You don't have to delete text you want to replace with new text. Select the old text and start typing the new. The first keystroke replaces the old selected text. Don't waste time pressing [Delete] first.

8. Press [Backspace] over and over – You don't have to press [Backspace] a dozen times to delete a word or phrase. If you type something and then change your mind, pressing [Ctrl][Backspace] to delete a word at a time is much faster. Only one thing is more wasteful: using the mouse to click on the beginning of a word or phrase and then pressing [Delete] repeatedly. (You can use [Ctrl][Delete] to quickly remove words in that situation.) If you get overzealous with [Ctrl][Backspace] or [Ctrl][Delete] and remove one word too many, press [Ctrl]Z to bring it right back.

9. Use the default toolbar configuration – You don't have to settle for the default toolbar configuration that shows the Standard and Formatting toolbars. Click View | Toolbars to reveal a list of available toolbars. If you routinely edit documents, the Reviewing toolbar comes in very handy. Use the Tables and Borders toolbar to quickly create tables or the Drawing toolbar to easily manipulate graphics. You can also edit Word's toolbars by clicking View | Toolbars | Customize, which opens the Customize window. With this window open you can rearrange a toolbar's buttons, add or remove button, even edit a button's image or create your own special toolbars.

10. Count words by hand (Word 2000/2002/2003) – Don't waste time manually counting words. Word's count function will tell you how many words and characters are in a document, paragraph, or selection. Word 2002 and 2003 offer a Count toolbar that even simplifies the process. Click View | Toolbars | Word Count.

My special thanks to Technical Republic Downloads Team and Jeff Davis, Jody Gilbert, Travis Frazier, Mary Ann Richardson, Vidyaramanan S., and Bill Detwiler for this excellent Tips & Tricks.

Zyra Irabela @ 20008

Mar 7, 2008

Mouse Pointer not Aligned

I have this problem for a couple of days trying to figure why my mouse is not aligned. I have a Dell Vostro 400 using Windows Vista Home Ultimate. I have tried different kind of approached install / uninstall some of my programs but it’s the same problem using MSExcel and Paint it’s a disaster coz, I cannot properly point the mouse. I tried different forums in the internet go to mouse setting check and uncheck this….. But it’s still the same, so I decided to format and re-install Windows Vista. I install the drivers one by one until I notice some difference in the Display card when I did not install the driver of my VGA card its ok everything is working, mouse is totally align. Therefore I conclude that my problem is the driver of my VGA card. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I install external Graphic Card it’s an ATI Radeon HD2400. Well what I did I replace my display card with a new NVIDIA Display Cards. After that its magic everything works fine. Well I guess on this problem you just need to get latest Display Card Drivers. I think there is driver compatibility issue In Windows Vista. Hope this may contribute and help you on this problem……

Mar 6, 2008

Troubleshooting a Laptop or a Desktop Computer

Troubleshooting a laptop or a desktop computer can be a daunting task but with a systematic approach you can learn to cope with some of the headaches when facing a computer crash. There are so many possibilities and scenarios that can cause your computer or laptop to go down. When problems occurs the first thing to do is to determine if you have a software or hardware problem, finding out if the problem is actually a physical issue like a bad component such as memory, hard disk, motherboard etc. or a software issue like a bad driver, a virus or spyware, corrupt system files etc.

If you suspect a software issue and don't really want to spend the whole day finding out if you have a bad video driver or virus, spyware, or system file corruption, then the best thing to do is to format your computer or laptop, meaning wiping out the hard disk clean. I suggest doing a backup of important data if possible if your operating system is accessible. If your data is extremely important like for most people and a backup system was never put in place before the time of the crash, and the operating system is not accessible, then you will have no choice but to remove your hard disk physically from the computer or the laptop and place it in another computer as a slave. If you are equipped with an external hard disk enclosure, you could simply install that drive that needs to be backed up inside that enclosure and you will directly connect the enclosure via a USB port to a working computer. You will then be able to access your drive and backup all important data directly to that computer.

Once the backup is done and most important configuration are written down, again if your operating system is somewhat accessible. You are now ready for the following step, formatting (wiping your hard disk clean) and re-install the operating system, providing that you have your official operating system license cd, then once the operating system is installed, you will need to re-configure all your internal and external peripherals such as: sound card, video card, network card, modem, printers, scanners etc.(keep in mind that on some systems depending on the chipset of the motherboard, you will be spared from installing some drivers, nevertheless it is always advisable to get the latest drivers from the manufacturers sites. Your final step will be to restore all backed up data, and finalize the installation of all additional software and other downloads that you may require. Don't i repeat please don't forget your email and address book backup too. Once the computer is formatted, it will be impossible for you to go back and recover lost data if you are not a professional with specialized tools and software.

A hardware issue is a little difficult to pin point especially on laptops, many issues can make a computer or laptop not want to boot up or even turn on. I would advise calling a professional if you aren't sure what is it you are up against.

Mar 5, 2008

Computer Maintenance Tips

Here are some good information how to maintain your PC.

Before you start making mistakes that could cost you the life of your precious computer, you had better learn how to take care of your new arrival. The things you do to your computer now will determine how long your computer will last without crashing.

Below are some tips you should know when using your computer:

  1. Never EVER switch off your computer without waiting for Windows to shut it down. This may cause permanent hard drive defects caused by the hard drive heads contacting the surface of the disc drive and cause a host of Windows problems.

The only time you can force a shutdown is if your hard drive "hangs" or refuses to respond. In this case, try pressing ALT+CTRL+DEL keys at the same time and wait for task manager to launch. The Task Manager window will have a tab you can press to enable you to shutdown normally. If Task Manager fails to launch, then you can safely switch off your computer and switch it on again after about 3 minutes. Perform emergency shutdown only when absolutely necessary.

  1. Plug your computer into a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). This will prevent power surges in cases of low and high voltage occurrences. A UPS will protect your computer from any type of power disaster.
  2. Backup important files as soon as you can. Purchase a CD burner to store files (make at least 2 copies of the same files on CD). Don't wait until the next day if you can help it. A crash may occur any time.
  3. Use Scandisk and Defragmenter at least once a month. Just like you need to have a check up once in a while to catch any disease that may be forming, your computer also needs to be checked up to keep it healthy and crash-free.
  4. Do not unplug peripherals while they are powered up. Doing so may damage your motherboard.
  5. Keep at least 100 MB of your C: free for Windows to use. Maxing out your drive may result in Windows dumping data to your hard drive, or your computer will run really, really slow.
  6. Do not let a lot of programs load when starting up your computer. Uninstall or delete programs that start up as soon as you start up your computer.
  7. Use an antivirus program. You really need one if you want your computer to keep running smoothly. Downloaded attachments from friends, installed programs downloaded from the net and a host of other ways could infect your computer. An antivirus program will make sure no "bad" stuff is allowed into the system.
  8. Use a firewall if you have a high speed internet connection. A firewall will prevent your computer from getting "hijacked". You may not be aware of it, but your computer may have been hacked at least once. Hackers use search programs to seek out computers at random. Get a firewall program and use it.
  9. Do not throw away installer software once you've installed the program. You will need to reformat your computer some time and all data on the drive will be erased and you will need to reinstall your software.

Feb 13, 2008

How To Remove WGA Notifications

Microsoft has released WGA Notifications application which effectively turned Microsoft Windows operating system into a ‘nagware’, with a “This copy of Windows is not genuine” warning. What the Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications application does what it will check your Microsoft Windows XP validity. If it found that the copy of Windows XP is not validated, not genuine, counterfeit, unlicensed, pirated, illegal, unauthorised or simply failed the Windows Genuine Advantage validation process, then the notification messages will appear at various places and time.

When you log on to a non-genuine copy of Windows XP, the following notification error message “This copy of Windows is not genuine” will pop-up on the logon process:

And the nicely said “You may be a victim of software counterfeiting” message on the bottom right corner of log-in screen:

Microsoft allows Windows faithfuls to have 2 options: Get Genuine or Resolve Later. Click on Resolve Later will temporarily bypass the notification and let you login into and use Windows nagged with notification icon and messages, which will randomly appear as balloon notification message with an icon in the notification area (system tray).

Clicking on the balloon notification or the notification area icon will lead you to the Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Failure Web page that contains the specifics of the validation failure and the steps that you can take to make the operating system genuine.

To get rid of the WGA notifications that intends to remind you that your Windows is not validated, you can buy a validly licensed copy of genuine Microsoft Windows.

Wait, Wait, Wait..... I have Solution For this problem.... You can still used your copy of Windows Without Buying....

Solution :

Open your web browser then type : WGAREMOVER.EXE
download the file and run... that's it restart your PC.... Problem Solved

or just follow this link :


Good Luck... :)

How to Remove Funny UST scandal virus

Generic problem for all Operating Systems

Funny UST scandal virus

Just Download the file and Extract With Winzip Or Winrar

Then Open The File... Ola...

Here is the Link : http://www.4shared.com/file/30402575/d70dafa8/Remover.html

Good Luck....

Feb 4, 2008

How to Disable Windows Update

Is your Windows Annoying you when it always pop up to Update ?...

Well this is a simple step to get rid of this update specially when you are using Pirated Copy of Microsoft Windows...

To avoid downloading genuine notification follow this simple step.

  • Go to System Properties.
By click right mouse on My Computer Icon or
click Start --> Setting --> Control Panel --> System Properties.
  • Click Automatic Updates
Select Turn Off Automatic Updates.
  • Then go to Start --> Run
Type : services.msc
On the services menu select or Open Security Center
On the Security Properties menu Select Disable on Startup Type:
On services Status Click Stop. Then Apply --> OK.

That's It Folks.... Enjoy!

How to Optimize your Windows Start-up

Did you ever wonder why your PC starts so slow. Well here are some tips.

First Step :

Press Start then go to Run

On Run Menu Type: msconfig

On the msconfig Menu selects Startup

Uncheck all programs that you don’t want to run when the windows start.

Apply then Ok …. Restart PC

Feb 1, 2008

Waste ink counter for the BJ F900, F890, F700, F500, S900, S820, S750 and S530

Turn off the printer.

  • Press and hold the RESUME button, Press and hold the POWER Button.

  • Release the RESUME button, Press and release the RESUME button two more times in succession. " Note : you’re still holding the POWER button during this ".

The printer mechanics will move momentarily.

You are now in Service mode.

Pressing the RESUME key will select a function.

" for example, pressing RESUME 4 times will select the clear waste ink counter function "

The lamp will alternate color with each key press.

  • service/factory test printout, including ink sensor check
  • EEPROM info printout
  • EEPROM initialization
  • Clear the waste-ink counter
  • Printer model setting.

Note: " more selections beyond this- leave this alone "

After selecting mode, press the POWER button to commit the change, and return to the top of the function selection menu. Pressing the POWER button again turns off the printer for a restart.

If you have a defective printer head, your power lamp may flash during the service mode key-in, and info printouts may not work. In this case, clearing the waste-ink counter may not fix your problem.

Jan 31, 2008

Canon MPC-190 Waste Ink Reset Code

Resetting the waste Ink Volume Counter

Enter service mode

  • pressing Menu-Copy-Scan-Copy-Copy
  • Select Test Mode
  • Select [ 8 ] Printer Test in Test Mode
  • Select [ 3 ] Eeprom Clear
  • Select [ 0 ] Ink Count
  • Press the [ ok ] key
  • Press the [ Stop/Reset ] key ' returning to the state of 3' and then press the [ on / off ] key.